Floating and PTSD: a couple things to consider

PTSD, short for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It resolves with time for some, and for others it may progress to a chronic state.

Many people have found floating to be a safe place to reprocess traumatizing memories, as well as mitigating anxiety and depression. Among other benefits, a floating practice allows people to develop a sort of “body memory” of calm and positivity, which they can carry into their daily life. For those having a hard time, this is a compelling reason to float!

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with PTSD, we’d love to introduce you to floating. Here are two things to consider going in:

  1. The float tank has a way of stripping away mental strategies. When unprocessed, traumatic memories bubble up, someone using a mental strategy might avoid the memory by imagining (for example) putting the memory in a box, wrapping it up tightly, and placing it up on a high shelf. Mental strategies can be unlearned, and healthier coping strategies can be learned in their place. But being unawares, and then having a strategy fall apart mid-float – that’s stressful! Which leads to #2…
  2. Your support structure should be in place. Let your therapist or care provider know that you’re going to float. Plan to talk to them afterwards, at least for your first visit.

We want every visit to be positive and meaningful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.

I’ll leave you with Cody Austill, who has seen great improvements floating at Zero Gravity Institute in Austin, Texas. Cody says, “my first float was amazing to me. It let me put in line three years of stuff that was trapped in my head – in pretty much an hour session.”

About Sara

Sara is a co-founder of Float, and has been a licensed massage therapist since 2003. The problems of two people may not amount to a hill of beans in this world, but this is our hill, and these are our beans.