Tag Archives: business


I’m excited to announce we have a name! I picked up our business certificate last week. We will be called…

FLOAT: Float Tanks and Massage

Nice and simple, right?

What’s going on right now? Well, we are busy reading and learning and chipping away at all the tasks that need to be done when preparing to open a business. The two big projects right now are: 1) the business plan, so we know how much money we need; and 2) the variance request I need to submit to the Board of Health. Basically, the state sanitation code mentions float tanks as a “special purpose pool,” but the regulations are clearly written for hot tubs and other hydrotherapy. In order to get a permit, we must demonstrate that the changes we propose make sense, and also that safety and sanitation remains our priority.

We’re also in touch with a commercial leasing agent to check out available space around here. We want FLOAT to be in Somerville – we live here, and love it – but we’ll see what’s out there.

Until next time…

~ Sara

p.s. Colin and I will be at the Float Conference in Portland OR next month. We can’t wait!

Former status: Crazy Idea!

Current Status: Making A Plan

We’re going to make this happen – we’re aiming for January 2014. Right now we’re putting together a business plan so we know how much money we’ll need. Join our mailing list and don’t miss a thing!

Keep in touch – we’ll let you know how it goes.

Join our mailing list!  We’ll keep you up to date as things happen.  (We promise not to sell or share your information. We hate spam too.)