Tag Archives: refurbishing

Testing the tank: heating system

Probably most of us have had the experience of staying in a bath too long, so that the water cools too much and stops being comfortable. A float tank is essentially an oversized bath, and we want to be able to stay in for hours without ever losing that Goldilocks neither-hot-nor-cool temperature.  So we need a heating system.

Testing the heating system
A very small float tank

When I acquired my float tank, it wasn’t so much a functioning system as a collection of parts, and most seriously, the thermostat was missing.  I’ve acquired a replacement and was testing it out last night — thought you all might be interested.

Continue reading Testing the tank: heating system

First tank acquired

The biggest news on our recent progress is that we’ve acquired our first float tank!   We found a great deal being offered on an old tank, and decided to take the leap.

Tank in our driveway
New acquisition in our driveway

It’s a Float To Relax tank from the 80s that had been residing for a while in someone’s yard, so it needs quite a bit of TLC before it’s going to be ready to go.  The seller had inherited the tank, and did not even know the manufacturer or model, never mind whether all the parts worked.  Most significantly, the temperature control system is entirely missing, so I’m going to have to rebuild that.  And the pump and filter are disconnected in enough different pieces that I do not yet know if they even work.

But it holds water, and refurbishing this beast will teach me a lot about how these tanks really work. Continue reading First tank acquired