Improve Your Performance and Creativity
MMA fighter Pat Healy has called floating his “secret weapon”. “It’s hard to explain, but man, you really come out of there feeling relaxed. You can really focus your mind in there.”
“The sensory deprivation chamber is the most important tool I’ve ever used for developing my mind, for thinking, for evolving.”
Former Texas air pistol champion Brooks Brinson believes flotation helps him compete. “It’s really a very mental game, the most mental in the Olympics.”
Hoop dancer Katelyn Selanders had burned out on her art. But then she started floating and found a new wellspring of passion. “I was fully reminded that this was why I had started hooping in the first place!”
“[My isolation tank] was quite useful, in the sense that you could get into a dream state, and I think that did allow…different thoughts and pictures to come through.”
Floating is great for injury recovery and improving sleep, but when it comes to athletes and performers, there is more to the game than physical ability. Flotation can induce a state of “relaxed alertness, concentration and reduced stress,” and sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered for bringing out your best.
“Additionally, I begin to write creatively for the first time in months, but with an uninhibited ease that I haven’t experienced in almost five years. In short, I was astounded by the changes I saw in myself.”
Floating isn't just good for improving mental focus.
It gives you access to a different way of thinking, out of the deep subconscious, less logical and more creative.
Floating can get you back in touch with inspiration you've lost.